Strike Out Barriers to Abortion Access, Join the Bowl-a-thon!

The national DSA Socialist Feminist Working Group and its Abortion Access Committee invite you to raise money to fund abortions through the National Network of Abortion Funds’ annual National Abortion Access Bowl-a-thon. DSA participates every April and last year raised more than $40,000 to help NNAF beat its goal of one million dollars.

This year, the goal is two million dollars. The NNAF consists of abortion funds throughout the country that provide much-needed financial assistance for those with unwanted pregnancies. Many abortion funds host bowling events as a culmination and celebration of the funds raised. No abortion fund in your area? You can start your own event (bowling or otherwise) and donate straight to NNAF. Form a team of six to eight people (no skill required) and pick a “puntastic” name (Bowlsheviks, Red Strikers, etc.), set up a goal through the NNAF fundraising pages, and spread the word.

Get creative. Whether you’ve done bowl-a-thon for years, or this is your first time, we’d love to hear from you and help you succeed!

Check the NNAF website to see if there is a bowling event scheduled in your area. You can also follow us on Twitter @DSAbowlathncrew.