From the National Political Committee

NPC Update—Here’s what’s new since the last Democratic Left:

  • We approved the formation of a Roe v. Wade Committee to coordinate our response in light of the SCOTUS leak.
  • The 2023 Convention will take place in person, location TBD.
  • The Recommitment Drive is underway, and in order for chapters to continue their work, we have extended the drive for an additional month. So far, more than 100 chapters are participating in the drive, and we have recommitted well over 2,000 members!
  • Members of the NPC took part in the recent delegation to Brazil to meet with representatives of the PT (Workers Party) and other left parties, as well as leaders of labor unions and housing organizations. Members of the delegation will be available to speak to chapters over the summer about their experience.
  • The NPC will have its quarterly meeting in August.
  • We appointed three new members to the NPC to fill vacancies: Estefania Galvis (NYC), Kevin Richardson (NC), and Marvin Gonzalez (NYC).

Check out the DSA website at for more details. We know the last few months have been particularly rough, and we are confi dent that as DSA members we can make it through these times by choosing to act in solidarity with others and refusing to give in to hopelessness.