DSA at the Ballot Box

King Caucus: DSA-endorsed candidates are packing into state houses around the country. The maps above show select areas with clusters of wins by DSA endorsees.

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A red wave did materialize on election night 2022, just not the one pundits expected. DSA-endorsed campaigns saw huge victories across the country—the protection of abortion rights in Kentucky and Montana, the increased tipped minimum wage in the District of Columbia, a sweep of DSA candidates in the Twin Cities, and more. You can find more complete results online, but here are a few lessons we learned:

DSA fights for abortion—and wins. Kentucky and Montana voters decisively defeated a ballot measure that would have stripped away the right to an abortion. In both cases, DSA chapters led the way on voter outreach, contacting more than two million voters in Kentucky and sending nearly 300,000 texts in Montana.

Organized people beat organized money. In DC, Metro DC DSA led the fight in support of Initiative 82, which raises the tipped minimum wage for workers across the city. The measure won by almost a three-to-one margin, despite special interest opponents spending millions to defeat it.

Wins on ballot measures defending tenants in Pasadena and Portland further demonstrate the strength of our campaigns even when up against the most powerful interests.

Socialists win up and down the ballot, and across the country. DSA proved that socialist issues can win anywhere at any level, including the elections of state senators, U.S. representatives, and presidents of city Board of Aldermen. Over 75% of DSA’s endorsed candidates and ballot measures won.

DSA allows us to fight back together. Across the country, endorsed candidates and campaigns collaborated to share lessons learned. Chapter leaders from Kansas, Kentucky, and Montana met regularly to share strategies and hone their tactics. Being part of a national organization means shared lessons, shared momentum, and shared solidarity.