National Political Committee Sets Priorities For Coming Period

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At its August National Convention, DSA passed an ambitious platform and set of resolutions to guide our work in the next couple years. As DSA members, we will need to organize a massive number of people to join our organization and work with broad coalitions to achieve our  shared goals. In the first quarter of its new term, the NPC chose the Labor, Electoral, and Green New Deal resolutions as national priorities. Internally, the organization will focus on our Growth and Development Committee, Multiracial Organizing Committee, and Staffing and Fundraising planning.

Additionally, the NPC hopes to standardize committees in order to strengthen these national bodies to advance work mandated by Convention. The NPC unanimously passed a budget that funds our national priorities and invests in national committee work more than in previous years.

We also approved a proposal at our winter NPC meeting to concentrate on the Recommitment Drive, a national dues drive effort that will incorporate our Labor, Green New Deal, and Electoral work. This includes supporting electoral primaries and hiring a labor staffer to support strike solidarity and efforts to organize Amazon and Starbucks. In a time when many on the Left are in despair, we believe that building a strong organization will enable us to win campaigns. We must be visible, clear in our demands, and buoyed by the culture of care necessary to weather the times.

Let’s get to work.